I høstens første #Kudos har vi fått besøk av A-kvinners hovedtrener Gemma Grainger. Hun er spesielt opptatt av godt lederskap, og hvordan bygge lag på spillernes styrker.
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I denne spalten møter vi trenere som av ulike grunner fortjener kudos for innsatsen de har gjort for sporten, laget eller lokalmiljøet. I denne utgaven møter vi landslagstrener Gemma Grainger. Les tidligere utgaver av #Kudos her.
Navn: Gemma Grainger
Stilling: Hovedtrener Norge A-kvinner
Trener siden: Startet som trener for 24 år siden, internasjonal trener fra 2011
Tell us about the team you coach?
Norway Women’s National Team.
As a coach, what is your most important task?
Currently, Qualification to the European Championships 2025 is our most important task. This is what we want to do as a team, included within this is our wider purpose and passion, both on and off the pitch to represent and continue to develop as a team and represent the game well to support its growth.
Tell us about an exercise you particularly love (and tell us why)?
The exercise I love is a session I call best in both box`s, this is typically 6 v 6 games with 4 players on the outside. The mentality to be best in both boxes is something I am very passionate about as a coach. The size of the exercise is the length of two 18 yards boxes and the width of between the 6-yard box and 18-yard box.
Which moment has meant the most to you (as a coach)?
Representing as a Women’s National Team Coach is an honor. Holding this position means to the most to me, being able to represent as a female coach, support the growth of the game at all levels.
What is the best advice you have received (in your role as a coach)?
Be yourself, always be open to feedback, learning and committed to being better.
What are your best qualities as a coach?
I value leadership and I am passionate about environment and culture, I focus on strengths and how people deliver their strengths.
Who do you want to pass the baton to, and why?
I pass the batton to Ingvild Stensland 😊